Pinnable columns both left and right, works even for columns in the middle
Change column order with mobile friendly dropdown menu
Change column width with a slider - also better UX for mobile
Hide columns with a dropdown menu
Expand rows with a dropdown menu
Row is visible when scrolling down the expanded row content
Select rows, ready for bulk actions
Rows are striped with alternating colors
Sort multiple columns at once, superior performance due to optimization
Filter multiple columns at once
Paginate your data
Export data to EXCEL, CSV, XML
Copy data to clipboard
Adjust spacing between columns and rows
Adjust text size with a dropdown menu
Toggle fullscreen mode
Display status indicator for remote data status
Display data indicator
Scroll to top button
Header always visible on scroll
Display information in custom footer
Toggle header filter visibility
Almost any customization is possible
Right click on any element to open context menu
Planned: build your own datagrid
Planned: display all data at once on one page
Will be implemented as soon as some virtualization library comes out to support svelte 5. Probably @tanstack-virtual.
Partially implemented: navigate with arrow keys
Partially implemented: select cells in excel like way